Air Conditioners for Garages: Cooling and Dehumidifying Options-:Complete Guide

Seeking relief from hot summer days? You’ve come to the right place. In this complete guide, we’ll explore the best cooling and dehumidifying options for garages so you can stay comfortable even in the hottest of climates.

Let’s get started!

Air conditioning is a must for any space, including garages, during hot summer months. It not only cools the temperature, but also removes humidity from the room. Garages often require special consideration when it comes to selecting an air conditioner due to factors such as size, heat production and energy usage.

This guide provides an overview of available options, factors to consider when making a purchase and typical maintenance needs. Additionally, tips on how to best use the air conditioner in your garage are provided. With this information in hand, you can be confident that you’re making a smart investment with little waste or regret when you find the perfect addition for your garage.

Explanation of the need for air conditioning in garages

Cooling and dehumidifying an uninsulated garage can be challenging, but with the right air conditioning system, it’s possible to achieve a comfortable climate throughout the space. Investing in a specialized air conditioner for your garage can save energy costs associated with warming up a large space and can also help maintain proper humidity levels to protect stored items like tools, paints and furniture.

The following guide details what you need to know when selecting an air conditioner for your garage, including system types, features in common residential models and additional safety tips that will ensure years of trouble-free operation. We’ll provide information on all types of cooling systems, from whole house central air conditioners to mini-split systems that cool only certain areas, such as garages.

Garage cooling systems come in both window units and split air conditioners (also called “mini splits”) with living spaces providing several advantages over other models including greater versatility, better efficiency ratings and simpler installation methods. Learn more about which type of cooling system works best for garages, as well as other important considerations such as noise output level and energy ratings before making your purchase.

Benefits of cooling and dehumidifying options in garages

Having an air conditioner or dehumidifier in your garage can offer numerous benefits. Those benefits include improving the overall temperature and comfort levels, reducing energy costs, preventing condensation buildup that could cause mold or mildew growth, and eliminating musty odors. Even during the winter months, an air conditioner can help to regulate humidity levels and improve air quality in the garage.

In addition to controlling humidity levels, temperature control is also important for many garages. During the warmer months of the year, High temperatures in a garage can make it difficult or even impossible to work on projects due to heat exhaustion. An air conditioner or even a fan can help to cool down temperatures and make working on projects much more comfortable.

Finally, having an air conditioning unit or dehumidifier dedicated solely for garages can provide another layer of protection against water damage due to excessive moisture buildup that might occur over time. It’s worth noting that humidity-controlled units may require additional ventilation systems depending on their size and power usage – something you may want to consider when deciding which type of cooling system is best for your needs.

Factors to consider when choosing an air conditioner for a garage

When choosing an air conditioner for a garage it is important to consider the size of the area, as well as its climate and position. In addition, you should also consider the power requirements and cost of the unit.

Size: The size of an air conditioner should be based on the size of the garage, plus any additional space that may need to be cooled. Generally speaking, it is recommended that a one-ton air conditioning unit can cool between 500-600 square feet efficiently.

Climate: The climate in which your garage is located will have a big impact on how much cooling or dehumidifying is needed from your unit. For instance, in warmer climates such as Florida or Texas, a larger unit may be needed to reduce high levels of humidity from the area effectively and efficiently.

Position: The positioning of your garage matters when purchasing an air conditioner because this will affect the amount and type of ventilation that is available for cooling your space. If you have high ceilings and/or large windows in your garage area then you can safely opt for a smaller unit since extra ventilation will help cool off the space more quickly than if you had no access to these features at all.

Power Requirements: Consider not only what type of power your unit requires but also what power outlets are accessible in proximity to where it will be placed within your garage space. It is important to know what type of circuit breaker and outlets you need to operate safely before installing any new electrical components in order to avoid potential hazards associated with unsafe AC units running through defective wiring systems or circuit breakers that cannot support their capacity needs.

Cost: Cost should not be ignored when purchasing an AC unit for a garage because there are several factors involved related to model size, energy efficiency ratings and installation expenses along with ongoing operation costs associated with using this appliance regularly over time – all play factors into what price point makes most financial sense for any given situation depending upon individual circumstances when selecting an ideal model option for their particular property needs.

Garage size

When selecting the best air conditioner for your garage, there is a lot to consider, starting with how large or small it needs to be. The size of your garage is a key factor in determining how powerful of an air conditioner you will need and also impacts the cost of your purchase.

To determine the size of the unit you need for your garage, measure the square footage of your space and then consult an air conditioning chart that lists air conditioners based on square footage. Choosing a unit that is too small could result in inadequate cooling, while investing in one that is too big could leave you with a more expensive initial cost and higher monthly energy bills.

Insulation and ventilation

Insulation and ventilation are essential elements of an effective garage air conditioning system. In a garage, adequate insulation is necessary to reduce heat transfer from outside the garage. This will help maintain temperatures at comfortable levels even during periods of intense summer heat. Applying insulation in the form of weatherstripping, caulk, and foam panels can reduce the amount of energy spent on air conditioning.

Ventilation also plays a role in the effectiveness of a cooling system for garages. Good ventilation brings fresh air into the space and helps remove hot, stale air from inside the space. It also prevents moisture buildup which can be damaging to stored items as well as home electronics like gaming consoles or computers in order to protect them from short circuiting due to over-heating. Proper ventilation also helps to keep odors at bay and prevents growth of mold or mildew caused by humidity. Look for fans, vents and exhaust systems that are designed specifically for garages with ample power capacity to provide proper airflow within any given space size.

Power and energy efficiency

When selecting an air conditioner for your garage, it is important to consider the power of the unit you are purchasing. In general, air conditioners come in three levels of power: 115-volt/60-cycle units, 115- to 230-volt/50-cycle units, and 230-volt/60-cycle units. By and large, the most common type used in residential settings is the 115v / 60Hz unit and is the recommended choice for a standard garage.

The energy efficiency of a particular system should also be taken into account when making your selection. The energy efficiency ratings on modern air conditioners are expressed as EER (or energy efficiency ratio). The higher the EER rating on a unit, the more efficient it is. An easy way to establish how energy efficient an air conditioning unit will be before purchase is to check its Energy Efficiency Rating (EER). This number can usually be found on labels applied to any product teaming an air conditioning purpose in its specs list or product description seen when shopping online. Generally speaking, products with higher EER numbers indicate greater overall efficiency than those thought less efficient models with lower rating values.

Noise level

When purchasing an air conditioner for your garage, one of the most important features to consider is its noise level. Before making a purchase, it would be beneficial to research the decibel rating of a particular model in order to determine how quiet or loud it is likely to be. Typically, air conditioners will fall within the range of 45-60 decibels, with quieter units making around 40-45 decibels and noisier ones producing up to 60 or even more. This can make a big difference in comfort when you’re trying to use your garage as a workspace.

Additionally, many products offer special built-in soundproofing that can further reduce noise levels so if noise is an important factor look for units identified as having low dB ratings.

Price and budget

When it comes to cooling and dehumidifying a garage, there is a range of price points and budgets to consider. There are several factors that can influence the cost of an air conditioner, such as the type of unit, the size of the traditional you will need and any additional features you may want.

For example, some portable air conditioners may be added only when necessary while window units could be installed seasonally. Deciding on your budget also means considering energy efficiency ratings as well since more efficient models result in lower energy bills over time.

Before purchasing a unit for your garage, make sure you know what options are available in your area, what other costs will be included with the purchase (such as installation) and whether incentives or discounts may be offered from local governments or utility companies.


Having a well-ventilated and comfortably cooled garage is key to making sure any work done in the space can be done safely, with no risk of overheating or breathing in harmful substances. So, it’s important to make sure you have the right air conditioner for your space. From window units to portable devices to mini-splits, homeowners have a wide range of options when it comes to cooling their garage.

In addition to cooling, many modern air conditioners also include dehumidifying capabilities that are critical in controlling moisture levels that might otherwise lead to mildew and other household hazards. Nowadays, some models of window ACs even come equipped with wireless functionality that allows users to control its settings from anywhere.

No matter the size or shape of the garage, there is an air conditioning option that can keep it comfortable during hot summer months without breaking your budget. With a little research and extra consideration towards humidity control, you will be able to find just what you need for keeping your area cool and dry all year round!



What type of air conditioner is best for a garage? A window or portable air conditioner with enough cooling capacity to match the size of the garage would be the best choice.

Is there an air conditioner with a dehumidifier in it? 

Yes, many modern air conditioners come with a built-in dehumidifier function.

Do air conditioners dehumidify when cooling?

 Yes, air conditioners remove moisture from the air as they cool, which helps to dehumidify the space.

What is the most efficient way to cool a garage? 

The most efficient way to cool a garage is to use a combination of insulation, ventilation, and an air conditioning unit that is appropriately sized for the space.

How can I cool my garage cheaply? 

You can cool your garage cheaply by using fans, insulating the space, using shade cloth to block out sunlight, and only running your air conditioner when necessary.

What is the AC unit in the garage called? 

The AC unit in a garage is typically referred to as a window unit or a portable air conditioner.

What is the cheapest way to climate control a garage?

 The cheapest way to climate control a garage is to use natural ventilation, such as opening windows and doors or using fans, and to insulate the space.

How do you cool and ventilate a garage? 

You can cool and ventilate a garage by using a combination of insulation, ventilation, and an air conditioning unit. You can also install fans and use natural ventilation by opening windows and doors.

How do I keep my garage cool with AC? 

To keep your garage cool with AC, make sure the unit is appropriately sized for the space, close all windows and doors to prevent hot air from entering, and use insulation and fans to improve efficiency.

Can I put an AC unit in my garage? 

Yes, you can put an AC unit in your garage. However, it is important to ensure that the unit is properly sized for the space and that you have adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of harmful gases.

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